Since the month of Ramadan is the most magnificent, brightest, most fertile month in terms of blessings and light, it is described as the sultan of eleven months in Islamic custom.
Man has physical needs as well as spiritual needs. These needs were arranged by the Halık-ı Rahim in accordance with the nature, in the form of daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, annual or lifetime.
For example; The need for air is always present. The need for water occurs during times of stomach heat. The need for food happens every day. The need for ziya is necessary once a week, allelekser. And yet…
Likewise, spiritual needs are of various times and times. The word of God is needed at every moment. Basmala is needed at all times, and there is a need for La ilaha illallah every hour. And indeed… Just as the five daily prayers meet the daily needs of our hearts and souls, we also pass through an annual spiritual checkup by fasting in Ramadan, recitation of the Qur’an, dhikr, tehspi and Mukabele.
Because fasting in Ramadan; It looks both at the lordship of Allah Almighty, at the social life of man, at the person of life, at the upbringing of the soul, and at the gratitude of the Divine Spirit, and elevates and exalts man to the spiritual and material perfections of the Kaaba.
In addition, the wisdom of the month of Ramadan when it looks at the revelation of the Qur’an, and Ramadan is the most important time of the Qur’an, manifests itself in people.
Yes, during Ramadan, the world of Islam supposedly becomes a mosque. It is such a mosque that millions of hafizes make the people of the earth hear the Qur’an and the heavenly address in the corners of that mosque. Every Ramadan “The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed.” Surah Al-Baqara shows the verse 2:185 in a luminous, bright style; It proves that Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an. Other members of that expert community, some of them, listen to those hafiz with awe. Others read by themselves.
Here we are entering the month of Ramadan, the sultan of the eleven months in which fasting, one of the greatest of the poets that symbolizes Islam in the brightest way, will be held. We don’t like you. We welcome it with joy and excitement.
As a foundation, we welcome the Recitation of the Qur’an and Tarawihs in all our service places and units. I hope we will be nourished spiritually with conversations, opinions and revivals at night.
We congratulate your Ramadan-i sheriff, which has already arrived. May Allah accept and accept it. ‘ and hope it will be most beneficial.