“Whoever spends the night of Qadr with worship and obedience, believing in his virtues and expecting the reward he will receive from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven” (Bukhari, Kadir, 1).
In the dictionary, the word qadir (qadr) means “rule, honor, power, majesty”. In religious literature, it is used as the name of the night when the Qur’an was revealed in the form of “leyletü’l-Kadr”. The 97th chapter of the same name was revealed about the virtue of this night. It is stated in the surah that the Qur’an was revealed in the night of power and that the mentioned night is better than a thousand months. The commentators state that the best thing is the deeds done on this night, and a thousand months refer to a period in which the night of power is absent (Taberî, XV, 339).
Ramadan fasting has such an aspect that looks at the revelation of the Quran; Since the Qur’an was revealed in the city of Ramadan; o Resembling the state of angels with the abandonment of the Qur’an’s time and its heavenly address, with the abandonment of the nafs’s healing and malayaniyat rope, and the addition and syrup, in Ramadan in order to achieve a good future. To read and listen to the Prophet as if it was just being revealed, and to listen to the divinity in it when it supposedly came down, and to listen to that address as if hearing it from the Messenger of Allah, maybe from Hadrat Gabriel, maybe from Mütekellim-i Ezeli. He attains a holy state as if he is listening. And it is to interpret it and have someone else listen to it, and to show the wisdom of the Qur’an to a degree. (Letter)
The night of this event has a special meaning, as it is a turning point in the guidance of humanity that Allah sent down the Qur’an, which is the final address and final message of Allah to people through the prophets. In a hadith pointing to the importance of the Night of Power, it is stated that the Muslims were given the Night of Power in return for the fact that the previous ummahs had the opportunity to earn more rewards due to their longevity (al-Muvaṭṭaʾ, “I’tikaf”, 15).
The hadiths (Bukhari, “Fażlü leyleti’l-Ḳadr”, 2-3; Muslim, “Ṣıyâm”, 205-220) give some clues about the determination of the night. Although the 27th night of Ramadan is the most prominent in the narrations from the Companions on this matter, the night of power is hidden in the month of Ramadan. Gift of jewelry; Let every night of Ramadan be revived like Leyla-i Kadir.
However, when the last ten days of Ramadan are entered, Hz. The Prophet would stay away from worldly affairs and withdraw to i’tikaf, spending the nights more in prayer and contemplation, and kept his family awake.
What can be done on the night of power?
One should evaluate the night of power by praying, reading the Quran, repenting, asking forgiveness and praying.
It is more virtuous for those who are in debt to pray at least five times before performing the nafilah prayer. If there is no accident, it will be futile.
Sufyan-i Sevrî: “Praying and asking for forgiveness on the night of power is more beloved than prayer. It is better to recite the Qur’an and then pray.” (Tajrid-i Sarih Translation, VI, 313).
Hz. Our mother Aisha said; To the Messenger of Allah (pbuh):
“O Messenger of Allah! How can I pray if I come across the night of power?” I asked. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh):
“- Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul-afwa fa’fu anni: O Allah, you are most forgiving, you love forgiveness, so forgive me.” pray, he said (Tecrîd-i Sarih Translation, VI, 314).
There is such a moment of this night that the prayers made at that moment will definitely be accepted. In order to catch this important moment, it is necessary to spend the whole night with repentance and forgiveness. This renews one’s faith. Those who cannot spend the whole night praying should at least sit and pray for a while after tarawih.
May Allah Almighty make this glorious night beneficial for us. We congratulate our community and the Islamic world on this night of mercy. Let’s not forget each other in our prayers.